Moving to Kwun Tong? Tips to Feel Like Home in Your New Space

Moving to a new place can be so exciting, but it can also be a little intimidating. After all, no one likes to be out of their comfort zone. Plus, you’ll leave behind many memories in your old home that you may feel a bit sad about. That’s why trying and making your new house a home as soon as possible is essential.

But where do you start? Do you get to know the neighbors first? Invest in some new furniture? Here are a few tips to help you feel at home in your new home in Kwun Tong – the vibrant heart of Hong Kong.

  • Unpack As Soon As Possible

It may sound like a no-brainer, but ensuring you get your stuff unpacked and start making the place your own is important. Get your furniture set up, hang artwork and photos on the wall, put up curtains – anything and everything to make you feel more at home. Once you settle in, the feeling of being a new resident will fade away, and it’ll start to feel like your own place.

If there’s a lot to handle, hire a moving company to help you out.

  • Get New Furniture

Adding new furniture to your home can help create a unique and special space. But before you can do that, you’ll need to remove a few items you don’t need anymore. Take some time to declutter, and then invest in furniture that will make your home look better. Suppose you aren’t ready to let go of some pieces. In that case, a mini storage Kwun Tong facility can come in handy for holding your furniture for however long you want.

  • Start Decorating

Adding pieces that reflect your personality and style is important when decorating your new home. If there’s a particular color scheme or theme that you’d like to go with, this is the time to start integrating it into your home. Get some artwork, add some plants, and hang up a few family photos. You can also pick up accessories to brighten the place and revitalize the look.

  • Stock Your Pantry

A kitchen ready to serve a piping hot, yummy meal signifies a comfy home. Plus, it’s a must to have some nice snacks for your friends coming over.

So, make sure you stock up on all your favorite food items to whip up a delicious meal for yourself and your family. Fill up the fridge with fresh produce, get some ingredients for baking, and buy a few bottles of wine – whatever it takes to make you feel like you belong here.

  • Make Room for Fun

No home is complete without a bit of fun. Get some board games, books, and movies to help you connect and spend time with your family in the new place. Maybe you and your family can spend time playing card games or board games on the weekends. Or perhaps you can have a movie night now and then. It’s all about making sure you guys are making memories together in your new home. If you don’t have any board games on hand, it’s perfectly fine. Just tune in to YouTube for some fun family challenges. You can even have a funny dance-off to keep the kids entertained.

  • Spend Time Gardening

Landscaping and planting can be great for unwinding and help make your outdoor area look more homely. Planting some flowers, herbs, or vegetables in your garden is a great way to show that you’re starting to settle down in your new home. Some can’t-miss plants for Kwun Tong are:

  • Hibiscus
  • Magnolia
  • Myrica Rubra
  • Camellia
  • Sweetbay Magnolia

These plants are sure to put a smile on your face, not just because of their vibrant colors and sweet scents but also because of the memories that come with them.

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Neighborhood

Getting to know your new surroundings is key if you want to feel a sense of belonging in your new home. Explore the area and get to know the locals. You’ll probably find some great restaurants, cafes, parks, and other attractions in your area that you can enjoy. The best way to explore and familiarize yourself with the neighborhood is to stroll and observe your surroundings.

Once the feeling of being an outsider dissipates, it’ll feel like home.

  • Make a Trip to the Grocery Store

Visiting the grocery store is one of the best ways to get comfortable with your new neighborhood. It’s fun, and it distracts you from feeling homesick. Plus, you get a chance to familiarize yourself with the stores in the area. When there, buy something special to cook – like fresh fish or seafood. You can also buy some cleaning essentials and other items that you need for your home. The sooner you fill the empty shelves and racks, the sooner it’ll feel like you’ve been living here for years.

  • Get to Know Your Neighbors

Your neighborhood is the best way to get connected in your new home. Get to know the people who live around you and make some friends. Prepare your best dishes and enjoy a great evening of talks, laughs, and delicious food. You can even host a small party and invite some of your neighbors. It will help you build strong relationships with the people around you, eroding the feeling of being a stranger in your new home.

  • Get More Involved in the Community

Community involvement is a great way to fit in and get to know people. You can join some local organizations, participate in community events, or volunteer with a charity. Once you start networking and getting to know people, your new home will feel more welcoming.

Final Words

Though it may be daunting to move to an entirely new city – or even just a new neighborhood – these tips will help you feel more at home in Kwun Tong in no time. With some planning and exploration, you can find your favorite places and start feeling like a local before you know it. And who knows, maybe Kwun Tong will feel like home sweet home.